Delivering programs with exceptional impact that will inspire
buy-in and accountability.

What Diane Can Do for Your Organization…..

  • Create a Team Results Driven Plan that ensures the team is aligned and clear on roles, responsibilities and direction

  • Develop a Leadership Communication Plan that keeps the team informed, proactive and engaged

  • Develop a personal leadership approach that Encourages Accountability and Crafts Strategies to Improve Influence with people critical to their success

  • Manage Change and Transition to foster excitement and engagement to drive productivity despite daily uncertainties and unexpected shake ups

  • Establish a Strong Coaching Relationship  with all organizational stakeholder levels- cross functionally, direct reports, management and with executives

It is my goal to be a dedicated partner to help clients find fulfillment in expanding their presence and unique contributions in their work life, which is reflected in the comments clients have sent me.

Professional Development

I am an independent consultant that can bring to life to your L&D content or be a creative co-creator of training content to meet your specific needs.

Leadership Communication Skills …. How To Be An Effective “Influencer”

Conflict Management
The Art of Negotiation
First Time Leaders Basics
Coaching To Drive Performance Skills
Building Cohesive Teams
Delivering Customer Service WOW! Factor